A Coastal Cutthroat Trout Case Study in Native Trout Conservation with Kitty Griswold

Centennial Hotel 303 W North River Dr, Spokane, WA, United States

Native Trout populations are important ecologically, socially, and economically. The streams and rivers they occupy are important sources of clean water, recreation, and provide habitat for myriad animals. To thrive and fully express their life histories, trout need connected habitats and cold, clean water. In this workshop we will use Coastal Cutthroat Trout, a native …

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Communications Workgroup

The Communications Workgroup seeks to: Clarify and communicate the role and function of the National Leadership Council to all parts of TU Facilitate communications within the NLC and its workgroups Encourage and foster communications to and from the NLC to chapters, councils, members, trustees and staff This session is open to all event attendees.

Grassroots Workgroup

The mission of the Grassroots workgroup of the National Leadership Council is to continuously assess and assist effectiveness of our chapters and councils and to develop tools and resources for improvement. The workgroup helps develop new charter models to meet TU needs. This session is open to all event attendees.  

Land Conservancy Workgroup

Centennial Hotel 303 W North River Dr, Spokane, WA, United States

The Land Conservancy of the NLC works to develop TU’s Land Conservancy Fund, akin to TU’s Embrace A Stream program, to assist land trusts and other conservancy groups in acquiring land and easements to protect coldwater resources and access to them. This session is open to all event attendees.

Climate Change Workgroup

What effects will a changing climate have on the coldwater resources we all respect and enjoy? Climate change, and the extent to which it is human-caused, is a divisive issue; the Climate Change Workgroup respects that. Our goal is to develop an education and awareness program based upon the scientific background provided by TU staff …

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Diversity and Inclusion Workgroup

Centennial Hotel 303 W North River Dr, Spokane, WA, United States

The Diversity and Inclusion Workgroup strives to create effective strategies and programs to recruit a more diverse membership profile in TU; encourage diversity within leadership at the chapter, state and national levels; and to ensure every chapter creates a welcoming environment for TU members of different genders, ethnicities, ages, and cultures to achieve the TU …

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New Initiatives Workgroup

Centennial Hotel 303 W North River Dr, Spokane, WA, United States

The New Initiatives Workgroup receives and evaluates proposals for changes to the National Conservation Agenda; evaluates major issues facing TU and explores potential solutions to those issues; solicits, evaluates and nominates new grassroots members of the Board of Trustees (for election by TU members); and nominates NLC officers and Embrace A Stream committee members (for …

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Responsible Mining and Energy Workgroup

Centennial Hotel 303 W North River Dr, Spokane, WA, United States

The Responsible Mining and Energy Workgroup focuses on efforts to protect coldwater fisheries from the various modes of energy production: coal and hard rock mining, oil and gas drilling, wind, solar and nuclear. The goals of this workgroup are: 1. Provide a set of useful tools former chapters and councils that find themselves confronted by …

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Youth Education Workgroup

Centennial Hotel 303 W North River Dr, Spokane, WA, United States

The Youth Education NLC Workgroup engages young people in activities that will foster in them the values to carry on the mission of TU and to secure for future generations TU’s vision. This session is open to all event attendees.  

Great Lakes Workgroup

Centennial Hotel 303 W North River Dr, Spokane, WA, United States

The Great Lakes NLC Workgroup (GLWG) is bringing to light the many complex issues affecting the Great Lakes Region. In doing so, the GLWG is seeking to provide scientific input and leadership into the resolution of the many problems in front of the Great Lakes Region. It is paramount that recognition and attention is given …

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